At Punstee, we always strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience. However, if you encounter any issues with your order, we’re here to help. Here’s what you need to know about our refund and replacement policy:

  1. When can you request a refund or replacement?
    You can request a refund or replacement item in the following scenarios:
  • The item is not as described.
  • The item is defective, such as damaged, chipped, Wrong DesignsWrong Colors compared to the preview, low-quality, and so on.
  • You have not received your products.
  • The expected Delivery Time has passed (partial refund only)

For more detailed information, please check our Refund Policy.

  1. How to request a refund or replacement?
    If you experience any of the above scenarios, please contact us for support. We recommend you reach out to our Chat Team so that your request can be received and handled quickly.

Here are some important notes:

  • If your items are defective, please provide clear photos of the issues. We don’t have a Return Policy, so your photos will be helpful for us to verify the issue and offer you the most reasonable solution.
  • Regarding delivery issues, we may offer a refund instead of a replacement if there are continuing Delivery Issues to your location.
  • Refunds will be processed back to the bank account you used to place your order. Please check this article to see how long you have to wait for the refund or replacement items.

Thank you for choosing Punstee. We’re dedicated to making sure you’re completely satisfied with your purchase.

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